Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Goal for this blog

Hi! I'm Lecia. I'm 25 and live in the Midwest. I'm an unemployed artist and I live with my boyfriend. We're saving up a lot of money for some future goals (like a wedding!) and recently put together an aggressive budget. We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at home Mon-Fri and are trying to cut down on going out to eat on the weekends. Currently, our grocery budget is $200 a month and we use the cash envelope system for this. I also get $20 a month to spend as I wish on the great CVS and Walgreens deals I find. We've both noticed this has greatly cut down on our health and beauty aid spending. I also feel I'm making a difference in our community, as I donate many items we don't need to a local youth center.

So, this blog will be tracking my purchases, spending and saving, as well as offering tips and tricks to help others save money. Thanks for visiting!

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